2 min read

D8 Skills #1 | Unit E | Sixty Million Postcards Scout for Gig

D8 Skills #1 | Unit E | Sixty Million Postcards Scout for Gig

This afternoon, my class and I visited a pub called Sixty Million Postcards to scout the venue because we'll be running a gig on Sat 2 Oct. Our aim was to understand what equipment they have, what equipment we need to bring, get a feeling for the size of the venue, and know where XLR wall plugs / mains sockets etc... are located.

The venue is quite big, and they have a lot of good equipment we can use. I made sure to take loads of photos and notes so that I couldn't forget anything important.  

A dilemma I have is that I work every Saturday, so I've posted a message on my work's Google Currents community begging that someone will cover my 06:30-14:30 shift that day so that I can come to the gig.

We need to arrive at 9:00, and we've got until 11:00 to set EVERYTHING up. Our contact made a big point of saying that we can't make noise after 11:00 meaning all sound checks must be done. 2 hours will be quite tight however I'm sure it'll be fine. Our gig will be from 13:00 to 19:00, and a DJ will be coming in to play at 21:00. Our contact said if anyone wants to DJ up until 21:00 that would be welcomed. I wish I knew how to DJ because I would love to do that.