Xmas Gig

D8 Skills #50 | Unit E | Xmas Gig: The Gig Day

D8 Skills #50 | Unit E | Xmas Gig: The Gig Day

I found out this morning that the band that hadn't submitted a tech rider are no longer planning
3 min read
D8 Skills #49 | Unit E | Xmas Gig: Technical Specification

D8 Skills #49 | Unit E | Xmas Gig: Technical Specification

Today, I created a Technical Specification which includes an Input List, and Stage Plan. I used the information provided in
2 min read
D8 Skills #48 | Unit E | Xmas Gig: Planning

D8 Skills #48 | Unit E | Xmas Gig: Planning

Today, I typed up 2 Word documents and posted them on our group Teams channel so that everyone can view
1 min read
D8 Skills #46 | Unit E | Xmas Gig: Recording Live Performance

D8 Skills #46 | Unit E | Xmas Gig: Recording Live Performance

Today, we carried out a short rehearsal for the gig we're doing on 16th Dec, and we decided
1 min read