D8 Skills #87 | The Way You Do Anything is the Way You Do Everything

The way I think
is the way I organise my room
is the way I eat
is the cleanliness of my bathroom
is what things I choose to own
is what things I choose to do
is the way I brush my teeth
is the way I communicate
is what creates this moment
is what manifests the future

For the past few years, I've been on a mission to become conscious of everything I've been doing compulsively, and in turn, become the master of my destiny.

The more conscious I become, the more I notice things going the exact way I want them or need them to, which mostly happen in logical ways I would expect, however, sometimes happen in the freakiest of coincidences.

The majority of what I do still happens compulsively, however, I'm committed to constantly moving further into consciousness, and in turn, I'm noticing the effects.